
Ben Fowlkes

I’m a sports writer in New York City, specializing in mixed martial arts coverage. I am currently employed as the editor of the International Fight League’s website (www.ifl.tv), but I cover the MMA world in general for media outlets such as CBS Sportsline, Fox Sports, Crave Online, The Sweet Science, and others.

I’m a graduate of San Diego State University and the University of Montana’s MFA program in Creative Writing.

To a lesser extent, I’m also an amateur practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and MMA. I live in Astoria, Queens with my wife, fellow writer/smug humorist Sarah Aswell, writer of the popular blog Brood.

11 responses to “About

  1. Benicio

    I stopped by your site for a peek and I have to say you have some very mature and astute observations.
    I look forward to reading more of your blog in the future.

  2. I agree with the above. A random Google search on Mac Danzig brought me here to read your interview and I stuck around. Keep it up.

  3. Bill Brown

    Love the blog. Thanks.

  4. Mat DeLam

    The Nick Diaz article regarding scar tissue and the dog with multiple organs was classic. One of the few stories that I have LOL for in a while. Keep up the coverage.

  5. Ben,

    Great blog. Let me know if you would like to swap links, I run the headline news site Fightstalker.com.


  6. Hey Ben,
    You have a great writing style and some very articulate pieces on here. Keep up the great work.

    I cant find your email addy on here and I’m interested in trading links with you for our site http://www.MMAbettingblog.com

    Get a hold of me when you have a sec.


  7. Blane

    Great Site, looking forward to more of your MMA insight!

  8. Cat

    found you through chicks heart fights… which i found while trying to find a birthday present for my boyfriend, an MMA fighter. Only been seeing him since spring, but boy have i caught the fever. i’m not a sports fan type of girl overall, but the MMA stuff has caught me for sure and your blog is a pleasure to read! it definitely helps me keep up with what the boys are talking about and makes me one super girlfriend! thanks!! love the writing!!

  9. bengoldstein

    Hey man,
    Love you, love your site…long time reader, first time commenter. Holler if you’d like to do a link exchange…
    Ben Goldstein
    Managing Editor, CagePotato.com

  10. Michelle

    hey great blog, i enjoy the reads. love the writing style.

  11. scottdouglas

    Hey Ben, over here in the UK we’re still in the Dark Ages when it comes to MMA.
    So much so that our politicians are still trying to get it banned as “human cockfighting” as shown in this local TV news report:

    However, the sport is on the rise and maybe with advocates like this guy Cougar (a philosophy student at Glasgow University) it has found a worthy advocate.

    Apparently there are now 5000 practitioners and rising …

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